Podcast: My virtual mentors

I am an avid fan of podcast. I listen to them while I workout, when I am in the car and even sometimes while I am doing chores around the house. If you follow me on social media, you know I am always looking for new shows to listen to and learn from. I am constantly starting conversations with husband by saying

“I was listening to a podcast and they said….” It is my equivalent to “this one time at band camp…” He just rolls his eyes and patiently listens.

You can learn everything on a podcast or through a google search. I am a firm believer in DIY, especially when you are just starting out. Though it wold be awesome to be able to afford all the mastermind classes and conference, let’s be honest who has that kind of money or time.

If you are like me, you started your business while still working full time at your corporate job. I did all of my initial learning through podcasts on my daily commute. Who knew that being stuck in traffic would become my favorite time of day!

I heard Rachel Hollis say in an interview once that she has a bunch of famous mentors who don’t know she exists. And I feel the same way about podcasters. I am not a fan girl of one podcaster in particular but rather surf through episodes looking for topics I want to learn about. Here are some episodes that I learned a lot from when I was just starting out.

Goal Digger Episode 002: Creating an Unforgettable Brand with Jen Olmstead This is where I first fell in love with creating websites that were beautiful but also helped businesses make money. After listening to this episode, I started considering my work more an art than techie.

Jasmine Star Podcast : HOW I PLAN MY SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS IN 40 MINUTES. Like you, I may scroll through my Instagram feed more often than I care to admit to but I hate taking hours to plan our my social media. This episode inspired me to create my own system for planning out social in just three hours a week.

The Art of Online Business Podcast with Rick Mulready Episode 3: What’s Working Right Now With Facebook Ads Math was never my favorite subject but I have an analytical brain. I am fascinated by the data and algorithms behind digital media ads. I learned a lot from this podcast on how to leverage social media for not just likes but revenue as well.

Online Marketing Made Easy with Amy Porterfield: How To Build Your Email List from the Ground Up. I fully subscribe to the belief that you do not own your social media audience. Having 60k followers is useless in my opinion if you don’t also have 60k people on your email list.

These are just the tip of the iceberg for the wealth of knowledge you can gather from a podcast. And it is all FREE. It takes investing your time.

*Pro Tip: If I find a podcast I like I always scroll back to listen to the first 10 episodes. I find when influencers are just starting out they are more excited and willing to share their inside tips. Plus, you can meet them when they were just starting out like you and have better advise for beginners.

podcast mentor
Amanda Barrett